28 Jan 2013 | Work Psychology
Working with the French has some good sides and some bad sides, with many differences. The French do not organize meetings to reach a decision: they meet to exchange information, then the person in charge takes the decision… If you need to have a serious and/or...
17 Jan 2013 | Uncategorized @en
Meaning as a cure for depression and other ills. Ever more people today have the means to live, but no meaning to live for. — Victor Frankl In Man’s Search for Meaning, the neurologist and psychiatrist Victor Frankl (1905–1997) wrote about his...
13 Dec 2012 | Team Coaching
For most of my life I always tried to match with everyone I met. Matching seemed to me to be the logical and socially acceptable way to behave. It came as a big shock to me when I discovered how powerful mismatching could be when coaching someone to improve their...
4 Apr 2012 | Team Coaching, Work Psychology
Feedback is not: Giving advice Judging Interpreting Giving feedback is explaining how you felt on your behaviour. Here are some tips for exchanging Feedback in a constructive way. Describe the context Describe the behaviour of the person and on yourself Describe...
13 Mar 2012 | Uncategorized @en
Millions of people struggle with unrealistic workloads: 33% of the American workforce say that they check in the office during vacations, and 36% work on weekends or bring home work at least once a day. Think of this. If your boss doesn’t respect you, at least...
18 Jan 2012 | Team Coaching
Here are some managment tips for exchanging Feedback in a constructive way. Feedback is not: Giving advice Judging Interpreting Mangagement tips Describe the context Describe the behaviour of the person and on yourself...